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Obviously, a racist

These are my people. Americans.

9 Responses to “Obviously, a racist”

  1. bob r Says:

    We need more like him. Whatever color their skin.

  2. Paul Says:

    good guy.

    Went to the TEA party here yesterday. Crowd was very well behaved. Best speaker was a local business guy who came here from Poland. Did see one counter protester. She was trolling the crowd looking to get some kind of response. She was escorted out of the body of the crowd by the State Patrol. Not that she was a risk or even gettin anyone to talk to her, she was starting to shout some kind of slogan and they moved her to the counter protest location.

    On a personal note, I like the young couple across the street a little better than the one next door. Across the street is a mixed couple that seems to be wanting the dream. couple next door does not seem to have a dream yet.

  3. Stranger Says:

    It’s odd that the people who make the most noise about “racism” are those who self-segregate themselves.

    They sure do miss knowing a lot of good people that way.


  4. Ron W Says:

    Whatever happened to Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, you know, that line about judging people “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. I think those who claim his legacy have ditched his dream especially if it bolts the leftist, socialist, fascist planation.

    BTW, the content of that 1963 speech is not allowed to be presented in our government schools when they pretend to honor the legacy on MLK Day.

  5. Nathaniel Says:

    You can see how surprised the reporter is, and doubly so when the dude doesn’t start rattling off a laundry list of discrimination he’s faced at the hands of the scary angry white men.

  6. Charlie Foxtrot Says:

    Proud to say Darryl Postell is one of my people: an American.

  7. Ron W Says:

    The media corporations work hand in glove with their CFR counter-part politicians to play the divide and conquer game. They despise poeple at the grass-roots level assembling themselves to redress the government for loss of liberty….because for them, it’s all about control.

  8. RML Says:

    Long as no “nigers” show up, they’ll welcome anyone, although what some have against an African river or nation is beyond me.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    didn’t watch it, did ya?

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