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Pursuit of hippiness

Via Breda, I am 4% hippie.

16 Responses to “Pursuit of hippiness”

  1. Molon Labe Says:


    But i think that’s because I didn’t shower this weekend.

  2. Mu Says:

    3%, it didn’t ask about my folk music collection, my guitar and my Birkenstocks!

  3. Spook45 Says:

    Cute; Appearantly I am 8% but some of those questions are too narrow to be accurate tools.

  4. J Richarson Says:

    Hah! I beat you. I’m only 3% hippie AND I live near Asheville. That makes me a counter-revoluntionary!

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    21% hippie.
    stupid questions though. I don’t drink milk.

  6. Number9 Says:

    8%. Dumb poll. Twice the hippie of Uncle. I don’t buy it.

  7. Huck Says:

    1% hippie! Where did I go wrong? *hangs head in shame*

  8. Matt Groom Says:

    ZERO PERCENT, BITCHES! And I shop at the fucking farmer’s market, too. Goose Eggs are man-sized eggs. What the hell’s the matter with you all?! Couldn’t be troubled to turn off your Simon and Garfunkel records while you took the quiz? Was your incense altering your chakras or messing with your chi, or some shit?

    Seriously though, the questions are BS. There was no option for “I buy my clothes from the same store I buy my guns” or “I make my clothes out of animals I kill” or “I drive a bad ass muscle car” or any of that other stuff. I should be at least -50%, me thinks. There’s a fine line between down-to-Earth hippie and gun-toting survivalist. Safe to say, I’m nowhere near that line.

  9. Tennessee Budd Says:

    The software here at work blocks it, but, being a libertarian, I’d suspect some hippiehood in me. That and the hair halfway to my belt (although the latter is more a biker thing than hippie).

  10. Ravenwood Says:

    0%.. and no I don’t believe in global warming!

  11. DirtCrashr Says:

    I got a Zero. Stupid questions, narrow-minded answers.

  12. SoupOrMan Says:

    3 percent hippie. Does this make me a Threeper now?

  13. BWM Says:

    I got 0% as well, but widespread panic is my favorite band and hippie chicks are my favorite (prob because they’re the easiest to get, heh)

  14. mike w. Says:

    3%. Got ya beat unc!

  15. SayUncle Says:

    well, i did sell my truck 🙂

  16. Kasper Says:

    28%, I guess I need to go find a gunshow this

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