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Suppressor sales rise

Suppressor sales on the rise, with Texas leading the way:

In Texas, 3,621 silencers were sold in fiscal 2010, ahead of 2,053 in Florida and 1,153 in Georgia, the data show.

Suppress your weapons. It’s the polite thing to do.

10 Responses to “Suppressor sales rise”

  1. Skullz Says:

    And in those three states alone it generated $1,365,400 in tax revenue.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “And in those three states alone it generated $1,365,400 in tax revenue.”

    Skullz just officially takes a happy story and makes an abomination out of it, as we all know that money will be used to harass gun shops out of businesses, and pay entry teams to shoot dogs.

  3. MJM Says:

    I like this. While the Left, and others, might be horrified, I predict that silencers will become standard shooting accessories. The urban press outward takes more land and places to shoot are getting harder to find. What they don’t hear doesn’t scare them. Someday, houses will surround the valley…. But, then, practice will sound more like “pffffttt-pfffttt” (pause to see if target is still moving) “pfffttt” (head shot).

  4. Skullz Says:

    You’re welcome šŸ™‚

  5. Bryan S. Says:

    And maybe some day we lowly citizens can own them without all the background checks and paperwork. I think until then, Im going to wait.

    Just dont have that extra $200 to toss at a bloated government.

  6. Huck Says:

    To modify Col. Kilgore’s famous quote from Apocalypse Now….

    “I love the sound of a KABOOM in the morning. It sounds like….. FREEDOM!”

    No suppressors for this ‘ol boy! šŸ™‚

  7. Sigivald Says:

    I would, but the CLEO in my county is a douchebag about NFA stuff, and won’t sign off as a matter of policy, from all I’ve researched.

    Otherwise? I’d totally spring for one, despite the tax stamp bull.

  8. SayUncle Says:

    Sigivald, trusts/corporations do not require sign off.

  9. emdfl Says:

    Sigvald – Remember, a trust is your best friend when dealing with assholes in positions of authority…

  10. Blue Collar Muse Says:

    Silence your weapons, please. It’s the polite and responsible thing for today’s chic gun owner to do. Waking your neighbors whilst defending yourself from looting mobs and government lackeys is **so** rude …

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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