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The audacity of nope

Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional. Seems that the .gov forcing citizens to buy health insurance is enough to get at least one court to recognize the commerce clause again. So, that pretty much means that the only thing the commerce clause is good for these days is they can’t make you buy stuff. I guess that’s something.

Appeal by DOJ planned.

4 Responses to “The audacity of nope”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    It looks like the defenders of 0bamacare insisted in their pleading that the individual mandate to buy insurance was essential for the rest of the act to function correctly. Therefore the judge shitcanned the entire law.

    “Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void,”

  2. ben Says:


  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yup. Heard it on the news this morning.

  4. Gunmart Says:

    Here is video of Obama himself back in 2008 saying you cant do a mandate because it would be the same as forcing people to buy a house:

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