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A manly drink . . .

calls for a manly cup:

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12 Responses to “A manly drink . . .”

  1. Monte Says:

    Jack and Coke? Rum and Coke? Long Island iced tea? Lipton iced tea?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Jack and Coke?

    As if. If you want real Tennessee whisky, you drink Dickel. Little Dickel do ya.

  3. Joe Says:

    Hmmm…I may have to do some checking around to see if anyone carries it around here.

  4. Monte Says:

    I was going to go with a more generic term, but I honestly don’t recall ever hearing someone call it whiskey and Coke (or a whiskey and cola, for that matter). It just sounded weird in my head.

    Gonna have to try some Drickel. It’s going on my shopping list!

  5. kishnevi Says:

    Back in my college days, we used to order “a bourbon and coke” (or rum and coke), if we didn’t care about the brand.

    But, honestly, our preference was always Jack Daniels, so we would order it that way (“Jack Daniels and coke”), or sometimes Jim Beam. Dickel only if nothing else was available.

    And always coke. Pepsi just doesn’t make it. Of course, this was in Atlanta, where Pepsi just doesn’t make it, period 🙂

    But my favorite (learned from a professor) is Stoli with pepper, no ice. (And always Stoli.) Particularly for those times when I don’t want to get drunk–the pepper is strong enough that you don’t really have any choice other than to sip it slowly. Properly gaurded, one or two could last the entire night.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    The pepper comes from the russian tradition of using the pepper to suck the toxins out of the vodka. Because vodka sucks. Ok, it’s a taste thing. I just don’t care for light liquors.

  7. Bruce Says:

    I’ve got some Dora sippy cups that rate higher on the manliness scale than that one.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Saurian Brandy? It was a commemorative Dickel bottle that was used for the Saurian Brandy prop on the original Star Trek. I have one I’m thinking of doing that to.

  9. derek Says:

    All I got to say is tervis tumbler greatest glass in the world no matter what logo.

  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    You mixed…..”stuff” into George’s Water of Life? Must be a closet Yankee! Don’t you remember the old ad : “Water’s for washing, Dickel’s for Drinking”? Hell, think I still have one of the Lil’ Brown Jugs they were using as a promo back in the 80’s.

  11. Rivrdog Says:

    How’s THIS for manly: Beam & Coke was the official drink of B-52 tail gunners during my The War, Vietnam.

    It took some big stones to crawl into that tiny compartment, alone with your radar, fire control computer (vacuum tubes), optical back-up and the four M3 fifties, as the rest of the crew could get up, stretch their legs, talk to each other, fix a hot meal and have help doing their jobs, while YOU, the gunner, had it all to yourself.

    Even more antiquated than the old WW2-tech bombing equipment, the “sting” at the tail of a BUFF actually did work, as several MIG-21 drivers found out, to their demise, over the not-friendly skies of North Vietnam.

    When those boys (the only enlisted on a crew of officers) came back, they had their Beam & Coke to unwind with. I’m proud to have shared a few of them with those stalwarts, and still hoist the occasional one in their memory, but I raised the whiskey level a bit to Jack.

  12. comatus Says:

    Timely note: when J.Daniels was going strong in its first generation, it was only the second-best distillery. #1 distiller was a G.Washington, of Virginia.

    This is not to demean Messrs. Dickel & Beam, some of whose products I have endorsed wholeheartedly. I understand you will not appreciate reference to Heaven Hill or Buffalo Trace, but let me point out that Ohio only became permanently populated when aforementioned G.W. specified that refugees of the Whiskey Rebellion be allowed to escape into that wilderness.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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