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Naturally Concealed

Breda has a look at the feminine concealment product mentioned yesterday. The method of drawing seems to involve removing your shirt. So, when some woman using this comes to save you, you can thank her for saving you and for the show.

Like shoulder holsters, I don’t really see how you can draw the weapon without pointing it at yourself.

11 Responses to “Naturally Concealed”

  1. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    Bet that would work just fine without having to remove the shirt. Most guys seem to know at least one GF/SO/wife who has the interesting (to a guy, anyway) talent of being able to remove their bra or other undergarment without taking off their shirt. So, why would such a ‘feminie concealment product’ require removal of the overgarment to use?

    Only thing is that since a good number of those who would use such a rig having said aforementioned male-bamboozling talent, undoubtably some fearmongering Chester Milqetoast would want the ‘feminine concealment product’ banned for the ‘unreasonably sneaky’ advantage they give to that particular sex.

    I swear, at some point that discussion will occur in the closets at the back of the Brady office.

    On a more practical note, such a rig carrying the firearm horizontally would be safer & result in a better first grip, and quite easy to access if you had a false-button-front with a concealed zipper as do our uniform shirts. Looks buttoned up just fine; zip or velcro access is quite fast.

  2. Paul B Says:

    Poses many interesting a pertinent questions. Personally I would take any woman who drew in defense of me. Course it could be a dead heat, but still.

  3. Paul B Says:

    Thank, not take. Although I might ask her to ride along.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    If the above is supposed to say “shoulder holster” this technique works very well to avoid muzzling yourself.

    That lady-holster seems a bit more tricky, especially if you are seated.

  5. David Says:

    I have a somewhat related issue I’d like to raise. I recently got a little pocket pistol and a pocket holster. Despite the gun riding in holster, I can’t get over the fact that I am constantly muzzling people. Basically anytime I am seated across from someone I am pointed a loaded firearm at them.

    I don’t like it but I don’t recall having seen this discussed anywhere.

  6. PhillipC Says:

    I think I’d avoid the “thanking for the show” part as long as she had a pistol in her hand…

  7. Tirno Says:

    What do you say to an amazonian buxom lass whose blouse is asunder, bosom heaving, straining against the restraint of her beguiling lacy brassiere, contents seemingly willing to tumble free from their confinement and gambol about the premises like rambunctious puppies bringing delight to all, and tightly, ever so tightly, gripping a pistol drawn from the refuge beneath the twin peaks of allure?

    You say, “Yes, ma’am”, “No, ma’am”, “Thank you, ma’am” and “Excuse me, ma’am, I’m just going to sit quietly for a while.”

  8. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Good grief, this hip, cool appendix carry has got to stop. I know it’s the new hotness but like pocket carry it’s going to get people hurt.

    “Like shoulder holsters, I don’t really see how you can draw the weapon without pointing it at yourself.”

    With a shoulder rig it is vital to get your non-drawing arm up and out of the way. Take your hand and position it horizontal just in front of the collar bone.

    See how your arm is now horizontal and out of the way of the muzzle? Re-holster the same way.

  9. comatus Says:

    Mr. Tirno, meet Mr. Buddy. Mr. Buddy, Mr. Tirno:

    With a beguiling lacy brassiere, it is vital to get your non-drawing arm up and out of the way. Take your hand and position it horizontal just in front of the twin peaks of allure.

    See how your arm is now horizontal and out of the way of the rambunctious puppies? Re-beguile the same way.
    *I have actual observations on this means of carry.
    Who cares?

  10. Weer'd Beard Says:

    David: Guns don’t just go off. Where the muzzle is pointing while the gun is in the holster is irrelevant, much like where the guns are pointing in the glass cabinet at the gun shop are irrelevant until somebody picks it up.

    The 3 Rules only matter when the gun is being manipulated.

    Quit touching your gun, and be aware of the 4 rules when you handle your gun.

  11. SayUncle Says:

    SB, i’m the first to admit pocket carry sucks. but i don’t see how it’s going to get people hurt any more than shoulder carry. my complaints about shoulder holsters are from an ergonomics standpoint. but i don’t really recall a lot of news stories about Don Johnson shooting himself in the bicep.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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