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Getting Jiggly With It

Megan McCain decides to team up with Rachel Maddow and lecture us absolutists on reasonable gun control. And says it’s OK because Dick Cheney (an expert on gun control having only shot one man in the face) thinks it’s a good idea. Much ignorance ensues. Look, I like that you and Rachel shoot and are into guns. But you could use a bit more education on the issue.

I kinda wish I’d ran into them.

13 Responses to “Getting Jiggly With It”

  1. Lee Says:

    John McCain didn’t shoot anyone in the face – that we know of. That was Dick Cheney.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Whoops. I started a joke and got distracted before getting back to it. I suck at the internet.


  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “I kinda wish I’d ran into them.”

    You think they’d talk with ACTUAL 2nd Amendment Supporters?

    We have Megan McCain and Rachel Maddow wandering the NRA show talking about “Supporting the 2nd Amendment” and at the same time banning guns because they know nothing about them.

    This was all for show and they wouldn’t take kindly to those who won’t stick to the script.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “John McCain didn’t shoot anyone in the face”

    He didn’t? He shot a lot of people, unless the Vietnamese are chopped liver?

  5. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    The video is a parade of ignorance.

    This is enlightening. We are fighting ignorance mixed with raw evil. The ignorance we can correct; the evil we can defeat.

  6. Rivrdog Says:

    You wish you’d have run into them? I doubt it. One more trip down Killer-Ego alley isn’t going to improve your sanity, Uncle.

  7. Drake Says:

    I could not care less about anyone in the McCain family. They sure love to hear themselves talk.

  8. Bryan S. Says:

    We need to take every progressive and run them out of town, whether they have an R or a D after their name, before they finish enacting their control over those they deem to be inferior.

    That includes McCain and his spawn.

  9. Kang Says:

    “I kinda wish I’d ran into them”

    Yeah, but then the front of your car would be all dinged up and bloody…

  10. larry weeks Says:

    Sorry to say but I watched this pair do their thing in the NRA booth, right across from ours. Couldn’t hear what was being said but I thought the blonde looked familiar and assumed she belonged with NRA. They were there early one morning, before the show opened to the public. Bet NRA is sorry they gave them credentials and didn’t send along a babysitter!

  11. mariner Says:

    If you ran into her she’d jiggle a little more.

  12. blounttruth Says:

    John McCain:

    Like father like daughter.

    Bristol Palin for president…

  13. Scott Says:

    You do know that Rachel’s first “date” with her current partner was at an NRA sponsored shooting event. She does like to shoot guns.
    Watched the whole video. Weird how a large majority of the background folks were all rather large, white, and pasty.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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