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Cleveland confiscation update

The woman whose guns were taken, apparently unlawfully by the police, have been returned.

13 Responses to “Cleveland confiscation update”

  1. Robert Says:

    Ah, now we find out the why. The VA sicced them on her.

  2. Ted N Says:

    Whoo hoo!

  3. Freiheit Says:

    On a related note, that article from the Cleveland Scene represents a very friendly view of guns and gun owners for that particular publication.

  4. Stormy Dragon Says:

    In related news, SayUncle is still figuring out how dependent clauses work. ;>

  5. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I wasn’t talking about the “, apparently unlawfully, by the police”, which was actually right. I referring to sentence currently informing us that the woman has been returned and leaving the fate of her guns a mystery.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    lol. I started to correct and said screw it.

  7. John Smith. Says:

    Sometimes the Good guys win..

  8. treefroggy Says:

    “Lakewood Police were asked to check on Rice by the VA hospital, where she’d been receiving treatment.”

    I don’t believe that the VA is immune to the requirements of HIPAA. It looks like we have 3 potentioal Tort Orphans here; the VA, the cops and the condo association.

  9. ravenshrike Says:

    I’m betting that the VA story was a deal hashed out between Rice and the Lakewood PD for them to save face. I find it unlikely that that little bit wouldn’t have ‘accidentally’ slipped out to the press during the brouhaha otherwise.

  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Ah, but you need to keep in mind that the story appeared in the Cleveland SCENE, not the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The SCENE is the place where one goes to see how your Favorite Bar Band is doing. Actually surprised, because the Scene Reporter did a better story than half of the P.D.’s Staff. Having said all that, I think the Lady in Question’s Lawyer threatened to get her Guns Back in the Courts, and throw some Big Buck Lawsuits if they didn’t show up, and the Lakewood, P.D. caved before the Fun began. Guess someone in the Lakewood City Law Director’s Office looked at the Calender, saw that the Trial would take place during the Election Cycle, and said “Give them Back.”

  11. Robert Says:

    And now she has to store them outside her home, or risk being the target of theives that don’t wear uniforms.

  12. Diomed Says:

    All of them? In the same condition as when they were stolen?

    She’s very fortunate if so.

  13. 45er Says:

    No doubt. I think I’d scream about high-profile lawsuits to get the guns returned. Then, get them and sue.

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