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Can we put the adults in charge?

Nine year old boy suspended for sexual harassment. His crime? Called his teacher cute.

Sexual harassment is one of those terms that is losing meaning. Through it on the trash heap with racist, fascist, socialist, and sexist. It means nothing.

8 Responses to “Can we put the adults in charge?”


    This is what happens when you write vague laws.
    Freeking left-ideas keep destroying my language and my country.

  2. Dwight Brown Says:

    There appears to be more to the story than meets the eye.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Hmm. More but still not sexual harassment.

  4. Sid Says:

    Note to self: remind my son in Kindergarten to always call his teacher after a date so as to avoid hurt feelings and possible harassment lawsuits.

  5. junyo Says:

    Sexual harassment is one of those terms that is losing meaning. Through it on the trash heap with racist, fascist, socialist, and sexist. It means nothing.

    The cure is just as bad as the disease. Words/phrases actually do mean things, and letting imprecise, or more obnoxiously, deliberately incorrect usage destroy the utility of those words/phrases really diminishes us all. It’s basically a soft, insidious form of censorship; destroy the meaning, and you destroy the means to quickly express the idea. Destroy enough words and you have no means to communicate.

  6. Kirk Parker Says:

    What, no pictures?

  7. Bobby Says:

    There is a serious lack of pictures here…

  8. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    It DOES mean something: money.

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