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Machine gun in NYC

Unpossible! Those are banned.

13 Responses to “Machine gun in NYC”

  1. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    It wasn’t even a machine gun. It was a TEC-9 pistol. Another fail on the NYPD and the reporters. Is it any wonder that we don’t take them seriously?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    There are some Tec 9s that are MGs. Can’t tell from the pic.

  3. Calm Gun Says:

    Everything is a machine gun in New York.

  4. Gerry Says:

    Who cares if it was a machinegun or not. It had a clip damn it and that what makes it deadly!

    Save us Mr Mayor, save us all!

  5. Jay G. Says:

    I would bet $100 that is not a machine gun.

    And I don’t bet.

  6. Guav Says:

    Looks like an AK-15 Glockapotamous Planeslayer to me.

  7. Aaron Says:

    I heard that in exchange for pleading guilty to subway fare evasion, they’ll drop the weapons charges.

  8. martywd Says:

    What’s with these out-of-Stater’s getting busted in NYC lately?   Is Bloomberg giving out free airfares now with the stipulation that one brings their guns along on the trip to NY?

  9. cargosquid Says:

    Gerry, you are so right!

    It had an extra big assault clip.

  10. Brad Says:

    It’s been 27 years now, and still the NY press can’t report accurately when it comes to firearms. To them, it’s still all “assault weapons” and “machine-guns”, no matter how many times they are corrected.

    After all this time, it’s they no longer have the excuse of ignorance. Now it can only be sheer stupidity, laziness, or deliberate mendacity.

  11. EchoVictor76 Says:

    were those heat seeking cop killer armor piercing hollow nose dumdum tracer bullets in that ubercapacity assault clip?

    Last time a saw a Tec 9 MG was in old reruns of the A-Team.

  12. Crotalus Says:

    So, howzat citizen disarmament thing goin’ for ya, Bloominidiot?

  13. TIM Says:

    More than ten rounds its a machine gun?

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