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Blog Bleg

I added ShareThis so people can share posts and such in their InterWebNetSocialMediaTwitterVerses. On the main page, it looks fine. But on a link to a single post, the buttons show up twice. Any ideas?

Update: all better.

19 Responses to “Blog Bleg”

  1. SGB Says:

    If there is a selection for main page and posts, just choose main page. That worked for me.

  2. Sebastian Noblog Says:

    And the buttons are REALLY GODDAMN BIG!

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, working on that.

  4. Sebastian Noblog Says:

    Better now.

  5. Barron Barnett Says:

    Share a link from uncle? I thought everyone reads Uncle. I just cite him like as the source or inspiration.

    I mean, who doesn’t read Uncle!?

  6. Sigivald Says:

    For the love of God… please, no hover-popup stuff all over the page.


    Please, resist. No need for it.

  7. TomcatTCH Says:

    I don’t get it.

    Are folks really too stupid to do this shit manually?

    Do you REALLY need annoying as hell pop up windows every damn were?

    windows that pop up when moused over, but that require a click outside to remove = SPAM.

    Why in the world haven’t the social networking idiots figured out that folks don’t like pop up windows?

  8. SayUncle Says:

    It pops up? Requires a click for me.

  9. TomcatTCH Says:

    mouse hover pop up box for Firefox 9.0.1 and IE 8.0.6001.

    Requires you to click outside the box to remove it. not even hovering over another box will close it.

    I hate stuff that pops when my mouse just lands somewhere on a page.

  10. Seerak Says:

    I get the huge popups from the third (mail envelope) and the fourth (green with three balls). There is an “X” in the upper left corner to kill it, or click elsewhere. FireFox 9.0.1 and Ubuntu 11.04 here.

    Interface developers just can’t seem to admit when an interface is mature (i.e. “finished”). They eventualy reach a point where they make changes for change’s sake, inevitably making thing worse rather than better.

  11. Bobby Says:

    Ugh, Terrible. Hate the buttons.

  12. Garrett Lee Says:

    Also agree on the whole “do away with it” idea.

  13. Bubblehead Les Says:

    LIKE! The Story AND Unc’s Wisdom to go? Excellent!

  14. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Although I still don’t understand why your Clock is set to Daylight Savings Time in February.

  15. Knob Creeker Says:

    Don’t like the buttons, was better before, please go back!

  16. SayUncle Says:

    Got rid of the popup thing. Try that for a while.

  17. TomcatTCH Says:

    Much better than the popups.

    Something else one can easily ignore or use. Good deal.

  18. DC Says:

    What happened to the blogroll in the sidebar? I used to use Uncle for a gateway to my *other* fave bloggers…all gone now 🙁

  19. SayUncle Says:

    Oh. I was redoing the page yesterday and was going to redo that since a lot of links were out of date. Never got around to it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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