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Quote of the Day

Tam: Obama’s spent more time in a madrassa than he has in the private sector.

22 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    QOTD status apparently is easy to achieve via A) the well worn “he’s one of them thar Mooslims” path, or B) are really missing the point. Private sector is net positive now on jobs, and public sector jobs are actually down. The noise of there reflects the exact opposite of what’s going on in the real world for better or worse.

    Like Maher said…if Obama’s such a socialist, shouldn’t I have gotten the single payer health, legal pot, gay marriage, and all troops home that I wanted?

    Election year rhetoric really is comical.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    “he’s one of them thar Mooslims”

    For those just joining us, he was never in a madrassa. Herp and derp.

    And the private sector is only net positive by changing the starting point.

    Thanks for playing.

  3. mikee Says:

    Oddly enough, Obama’s incompetence in achieving your desired policy changes does nothing to make us approve of his policies any more than we did in ’08.

  4. Tam Says:

    Social Media Sebastian,

    Wow, I used neither the word “Muslim” nor the word “Socialist” in my post, nor did Unc, but pull your string and off you go with the canned response.

    You should get that knee looked at; it’s jerking awful hard.

  5. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    If you mean “changing the starting point” to “when he actually took office”, then yes. Where the convo gets really fun is when you ask the Tam of the world to point out the things he’s doing in re: job creation that are substantively different than A) the guy he replaced or B) what the guy who wants to replace him would do.


  6. Tam Says:

    Yeah, because “the Tam[sic] of the world” is a huge Dubya fan who is totally in the tank for Romney.

    That knee, it’s still jerking.

    Protip: “Oh, yeah? Well, other guys suck and are incompetent, too!” is not a defense for “Your guy sucks and is incompetent.”

  7. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    Tam: while I’m doing that, get thee to a dictionary.

    Or maybe you were referencing something other than the persistent belief in the wingnut fringe that the Obummer is some sort of alien “other” and not quite so ‘Murrican?

    Sell bullshit somewhere else, and you won’t get called on it. Thanks.

    And seeing as I was referencing Maher and not you with the evil S-word, unbunch your tighty whities.

  8. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    Protip: “Oh, yeah? Well, other guys suck and are incompetent, too!” is not a defense for “Your guy sucks and is incompetent.”

    Protip: if you’re being pedantic and trying the “oh I’m no fan of Dubya” defense while slagging Obama, it will seem less stupid if you’ll note you’re offering it to someone for whom Obama is decidedly not “my guy”.

    And yes, it is hilarious you made the same rhetorical misstep you’re accusing me of.

  9. Social Media Sebastian Says:

    (And it’s worth noting that what you’re quoting wasn’t my suggestion that you were in the tank for Dubya, but merely pointing out that the election we’re engaging in all this rhetorical wrangling about is pretty well a sham, and the choice here is utterly illusory. Thought that was pretty obvious…but thar she blows, spelled out for youse.

  10. Tam Says:

    Or maybe you were referencing…

    That’s exactly what I was referencing. Do try to keep up, please.

    (Barry’s no more of a closet Muslim than he is a closet expert on the private sector.)

  11. mikee Says:

    I still disapprove of Obama’s policies.

    As do many others.

    How many? See for yourself in November.

  12. Barron Barnett Says:

    Because government can totally create jobs in the private sector… Which is true, just look at Solyndra, O.K. Bad example.

    You know, all those extra regulations and crap do wonders for encouraging companies to hire and grow. You know it’s great when you pay more taxes and thus have less money to hire an employee.

    W was an idiot and so is O. Guess what, starting lines don’t move. Period, if they did, then he wouldn’t be able to play the blame Bush card.

    I watched the stimulus freeze a whole industry in terms of sales because companies stopped doing business waiting for government handouts. Amazing how that works isn’t it sparky? Even then, the government handouts didn’t create jobs or work, it went to finance already planned work they were going to do anyway. It just adjusted the final bottom line for the cost.

    Yup, I’m real happy my government stole money from me at gun point to “stimulate” the economy and thus limit the growth of the company I work for. Then again I’m sure you live in some sort of reality distortion field where the government knows best, and every elected politician is good.

  13. Cargosquid Says:

    “Private sector is net positive now on jobs,”

    Reaaally? We’ve lost 4.5 million jobs alone…and the population has increased….And even with those people dropped off the rigged BLS numbers, the unemployment rate STILL goes up.

    An excerpt, Sparky,

    If the number of persons who involuntarily dropped out of the labor force (7.3 million), since Mr. Obama’s policies took effect, had instead been jobs created, Mr. Obama might go down in history as the all-time greatest. However, since we presently have 4.5 million fewer jobs than existed at Mr. Bush’s peak, and since, under the direction of Mr. Obama, 7.3 million new working age persons have been pushed straight into joblessness and generational dependency, Mr. Obama’s policies should perhaps be branded as the most ineffective in U.S. history.

  14. Beaumont Says:

    Shaking hands at a madrassa makes one a Moslem just as much as shaking hands at a factory makes one a Capitalist.

    Neither term can be applied to BHO, since the only thing he really believes in is his own personal glory.

  15. SPQR Says:

    Social Media Sebastien, we are tens of millions of jobs below were the US economy should be this far from a recession. Your attempt to quote the White House spin is simply laughable.

    And the fact that the least competent President in my lifetime hasn’t achieved his socialist goals hardly debunks his status as a socialist. His membership in socialist organizations like the New Party is fact.

  16. mike123 Says:

    My company was opposite of Barron. We stopped sales to companies and governments until we could figure out if the revenue was from the stimulus plan. Management was significantly afraid of “taking” stimulus money and then having its executive compensation controlled by the government.

    We refused to sell to some companies because the money was flow trough from the stimulus program.

    I work for a large telecom company

  17. Tam Says:

    Oh, Beaumont, how dare you get the joke, you racist!

  18. Barron Barnett Says:

    mike123 – Nope, it was the same effect, different immediate cause. Maybe my sarcasm at the beginning wasn’t entirely clear.

    Our companies customers stopped current projects and put holds on upcoming projects because of stimulus funds earmarked for the utility industry. There were a bunch of DOE grants that were created under the stimulus and the way it worked was the government would match dollar for dollar. So basically stop work, wait for bureaucracy, then eventually work would resume at about the same rate as before. The only difference was now half the money was coming from the government instead of utility profits.

    There wasn’t any real fear of stimulus funds here because the funds went to our customers, not to us. The customers then spent the funds buying our equipment.

  19. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    “Social Media Sebastian”

    Chris Matthews, is that you?

  20. Jerry Says:

    Damn, I miss Fred Thompson.

  21. tgirsch Says:


  22. merch Says:

    (To Tam) Hey rube, you know ‘Madrassa’ just means “school” in Arabic right? It literally means ‘the place of studying.’ It does not have the connotation you think it does, but thank you for helping to alienate Muslims and Arabs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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