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OC and CC

Man open carrying robbed of his gun:

Investigators believe a man armed with a silver and black handgun entered the business and robbed the security guard of his loaded 9mm handgun, three loaded magazines, handcuffs, pepper spray and collapsible baton.

And in Nashville, someone robs someone and gets their gun. Then winds up shooting himself in the ass. Too bad his brains are only there figuratively.

7 Responses to “OC and CC”

  1. pdb Says:

    “…Garden Grove Patient’s Group, a medical marijuana dispensary…”

    Sounds like a terminal failure of situational awareness in a high risk area.

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    Back in the day, I worked for an armored car company. At one bank, the security guard took it upon himself to act as doorman and opened the door for everyone. Then he would walk back to where he usually stood.

    I mentioned to him that every time he did that he turned his back on the people entering the bank.

    Terminal failure indeed.

    Oh, he stopped opening the door…..

  3. breda Says:

    Every time a cop gets shot by his own gun, are you going to blame that on OC too?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    No blaming OC. But the guy who did the robbing.

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Breda, I think unc was being ironic.

    The “no one should OC” crowd usually exempts people in uniform.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Well, people seem to steal guns whether you OC or CC. Been a couple of the latter here in the last few weeks.

  7. Matthew Carberry Says:

    The only valid criticism of OC “increasing the risk of you being specifically targeted for theft” with your gun as the object of the thief also applies to your exposed watch, your iPhone4, any cash you show in public, nice pair of sneakers, or anything else visible.

    If something is visible you can be robbed for that thing, if it isn’t visible you may still be robbed, and that thing may still be taken, but that thing won’t be the motive for the robbery in and of itself.

    Which, again, only implicates OC as “different” in the sense that no one wants to be specifically targeted by a criminal to get a gun to use in another crime, which risk is objectively lower if the criminal doesn’t know you, in particular, have a gun on your person.

    Not that either risk appears to be particularly high.

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