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Holder Contempt Vote

Happening soon. Pelosi says Democrats will walk out. Remember, NRA is scoring this vote you guys in pro-gun districts.

And what will happen if he’s held in contempt? I’m betting nothing.

6 Responses to “Holder Contempt Vote”

  1. Tirno Says:

    254-173 in favor of contempt, all Republicans plus 15 Democrats.

    And thus this is a bipartisan rebuke of the Attorney General’s official behavior.

    Defense of the AG is strictly partisan.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Think that was for the rules of debate. Still motioning.

  3. Tirno Says:

    Dewey beats Truman!

    Mea Culpa.

  4. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    The current Speaker is too wimpy to use inherent contempt procedures.

  5. John Farrier Says:

    I think that you’d win that bet, SayUncle.

  6. Tirno Says:

    OK, watching the vote now:

    Yea: 238 Republican, 17 Democrat: 255

    Nay: 2 Republican, 65 Democrat: 67

    Present: 1 Democrat

    Not voting: 2 Republicans, 108 Democrats, including many walk-outs

    Motion to reconsider has been proposed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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