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Speaking of facebook

A deputy was fired for ‘liking’ his boss’s opponent on facebook. Some court, who is apparently short a few brain cells, said that liking is not an affirmative statement is not protected. Like other amendments, the first is going to have to account for advances in technology.

12 Responses to “Speaking of facebook”

  1. snoopycomputer Says:

    That link goes to a “Facebook posts land felon in federal hot water”, not a deputy fired for liking a post.

    Still a good article of stupid meets stupid, but not what I was expecting.
    If you fix the link, be sure to repost the felon link too.

  2. snoopycomputer Says:

    Oh, now I see that the ‘stupid felon’ link is below this post.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    d’oh. fixed.

  4. Chas Says:

    “The First Amendment protects very brief statements as much as very long ones.”

    Imagine that!
    The extent to which law enforcement management can be douchebags is amazing.

  5. mikee Says:

    When I worked for a large manufacturer of cell phones, the factory manager once stood up in a meeting and told all his employees that if he saw them using a cell phone being used that was not of our manufacture, he would immediately fire the person seen using it.

    Since we paid for our cell phones ourselves, and the company did NOT pay for them, there was a bit of pushing back about this obviously totalitarian edict. In fact, he was replaced about a month later.

    Funny thing was, he thought he was being a good manager, not a dictatorial jerk. Right up to the point he lost his job.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Uh, it looks like that the Sheriff is going to Lose this one. After all, if he had a Problem with his Deputies “Performance,” they should have been Fired one at a time, not in “one swell foop” on the same day. And that Judge sounds like he’s a “Good Buddy” of those Political Hacks who are running things down in Hampton, VA.

    Besides, where does that Sheriff think he is, Chicago?

  7. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Both Coke and Pepsi have standing termination policies if you are caught drinking the other brand while on duty.

  8. ATLien Says:

    This kind of asshattery is why “returning government to the local level” is a hard sell to some people.

  9. kbiel Says:

    I’m torn on this one. Any private entity would rightfully terminate an employee who damaged their brand. On the other hand, this is government and certain protections apply.

  10. Kristophr Says:

    People who keep real non-anonymous facebook pages are fucking idiots.

    You have two facebook accounts and two email addresses.

    The email you use for your boss is business only. Your real name facebook account uses that email, and can have a few cute kid and puppy pictures on it, as well as a link to your resume on LinkedIn.

    Your real email address, your online “name”, and your real facebook page should be non-traceable to you, if you like being continually employed.

  11. Crotalus Says:

    So, now we have evidence that the left is starting to infringe on the right to free speech. They must have figured that they have the 2A on the ropes.

    Squeeze, baby. Squeeze. We’re almost there.

  12. Kristophr Says:


    The left has always done this. State right wing opinions, and they will make up shit until you get fired.

    This will continue until we start retaliating.

    If you are an employer, fire Democrats. Your company’s productivity will improve once the entitlement shirkers are gone.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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