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Hey, there’s not been internet talk about OC in a while

So, here you go. And here you go again.

13 Responses to “Hey, there’s not been internet talk about OC in a while”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Oh, I care. I f*cking care

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    I care so much I can’t form my HTML correctly

  3. Jack Says:

    I’ll give Chance a by and assume he knows of your duties with Florida Carry. And thus he was talking about Caleb.

    Especially since Caleb did say this: “This post isn’t about whether or not you should OC, because I quite frankly don’t care if you do or don’t. The only thing I care about is whether or not when you open carry you’re presenting a good image of gun owners or not.”

  4. HL Says:

    That cop was fucking pro.

  5. Caleb Says:

    That’s the truth. I don’t care about Open Carry. I care about people walking around provoking encounters with the cops and being douchebags. I care when those people are carrying guns, and manage to get picked up by sites like the Chive, which have a larger audience than every single gun blog combined.

    Because then a bunch of people that didn’t have feelings about OC one way or the other are going to think “wow, people who OC sure are douchebags.”

    Guys like Robb are doing good work, and retards like the guy in the video make the work that guys like Robb and VCDL do that much harder.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    I still want that’s cop’s awesome training that lets him have xray vision.

  7. Jack Says:

    That’s why I put in the latter part of the quote.

    It nicely puts in the “Don’t be a dick” part.

  8. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Slightly unrelated: Uncle, did I turn you into a redditor when I rage-comicked your conversation with sparky?

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Me? No. But I still love that comic.

  10. mita Says:

    …BUT PAGEVIEWS! (there, fify)

  11. John Smith. Says:

    I don’t care if he was being a dick.. Being a dick is not a crime… Remember the dicks in life need to know that they too can open carry so this gives shows them they can be dicks and not have to be shot by the cops…

    You can look at it like this influences how people perceive you but it also influences how people like yourself perceive you…. Dicks need role models too!!!

  12. Robb Allen Says:

    Jack, I know what he meant, I was just playing it up 😉

    Cops aren’t perfect, they can’t know every law or have magical mind reading abilities. Their job is to protect the populace the best they can and sometimes that means stopping people who are doing things out of the ordinary and seeing what’s up. I’d want a cop to stop a man running down the street with a machete covered in what looks like blood, even if he was nothing more than a gardener who happened to get splattered with red paint.

    The trick is the balance between maintaining people’s rights and getting the information they need to ensure they’re doing their jobs. When they realize things are ok, a polite “Thank you and sorry to bother you” is a small price to pay for the intrusion.

    Now, concrete lunches and a free ride to the station for a legal activity is definitely a problem and I understand gunnies’ initial hesitance at any interaction, but I didn’t see this cop doing anything that warranted outrage.

  13. John Smith. Says:

    Robb. Running down the street covered in blood is probable cause.. Walking down the street with a scary pistol is not… Mass murders don’t head to the mass murder with the weapons just hanging out.. They have to sneak up on their prey remember..

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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