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Never cared for Tool since Undertow

But this rocks:

Via Falnfenix

15 Responses to “Never cared for Tool since Undertow”

  1. PISSED Says:

    Holy shit that kicks ass! must share!

  2. Mad Saint Jack Says:


    She is ex-IDF.

  3. Tango Says:

    Jeez, that drummer is just ripping it!

  4. John Says:

    Thanks for this! Been a long time since I’ve heard that song and forgot how much I love it. These kids did a great job with it!

  5. Pete Says:

    This is what the internet was made for. Thanks,

  6. falnfenix Says:

    i honestly hope these kids do something with their talents. they did a spectacular job.

  7. countertop Says:


  8. countertop Says:

    And Mad Saint Jack, Metyl Cohen is great. But she’d a well known seasoned pro. These kids are even more impressive.

  9. dannytheman Says:

    I hate hearing a pick click on a bass guitar. This would be so much better if the bass player would slap.

    Just my 10 cents.

  10. Countertop Says:

    @dannytheman – perhaps. Or perhaps they like it to sound that way. Or perhaps we should be thrilled that these kids are 13 or 14 years old and rocking out.

  11. Ben G Says:

    46 & 2 is one of my favorite TOOL songs and those kids definitely did it justice.

    If you want to see a drummer steal the show, look no further:

  12. Adam Says:

    Love it. This is how I thought I sounded in high school!

  13. Erik Says:

    It’s been getting passed around my Facebook circle. I’m pretty impressed. Tool’s music is technical and challenging, and they pretty much nailed it. I sounded like complete crap on guitar in high school. Hell, I still sound like crap.

  14. SayUncle Says:

    “I hate hearing a pick click on a bass guitar.”

    That’s the Tool sound, I think. Kid looks capable of fingering it proper.

    “Tool’s music is technical and challenging”

    The same riff for 7 minutes is technical and challenging?

    The drummer is a bad ass.

  15. Erik Says:

    “The same riff for 7 minutes is technical and challenging?”

    The bridge has some unique time signature changes going on. I’ve heard bands cover this song before–bands with adults. I’ve never heard any of them get the bridge right. They either plow through like it’s all 4/4, and make a mess of it, or try to get the changes right and fall on their ass.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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