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It’s like my children

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9 Responses to “It’s like my children”

  1. Michael Says:

    Anyone take the time to transcribe that URL? Something’s telling me there’s a pretty god Easter egg hidden under there.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Here you go.

  3. Old NFO Says:

    Patience IS a virtue, trying to parse that and type it in! And I’m thinking the kids did some ‘work’ to get there!!! 🙂

  4. mostly cajun Says:

    Next year she can try a QR code block.


  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    Every amazon product has a ten digit Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN), in this case it starts with a “B” and is the thing right after “/product/” in the URL. Everything afterwards is “URL cruft” and may be discarded unless you are after Amazon referrals, (and I don’t see a “tag=sayuncle-20&” in this one.)

  6. Jailer Says:

    Such is the times we live in.

    God that makes me feel old.

  7. comatus Says:

    Don’t let it spoil Christmas for you. The first version of this had a Searce catalogue number, in ca. 1904.

  8. CaptDMO Says:

    I remember when the National Toy Association proclaimed
    two annual “best developmental toy” awards.
    One year, it was….A Large Cardboard Box
    Another year, it was….A Stick.
    I believe these were both in the last 15 years.

  9. Siergen Says:

    @CaptDMO, How about a stick that is bent in the middle so it can be pointed like a handgun? 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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