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Had a customer ask me what sort of filler bushes we put in her yard and I told her I did not know. So, I offered to pull up the invoice from the supplier and let her know what it was. Turns out, the supplier invoices using the genus and species of the plant. I snapped a pic of the invoice and said “hope this helps”.

A few days later, she tells me that was not helpful at all.

* Not a plant genus.

9 Responses to “Sesquipedalian*”

  1. mariner Says:

    Not a plant genius either.

  2. lucusloc Says:

    I’m not an expert, but I know a bit, what was the list and can you describe the one she was interested in?

  3. mikee Says:

    I came here for the gun stuff but the really bad puns are worth the entire price of admission, too.

  4. Paul B Says:

    Ha Ha. Most likely an arbrovidie. Which is spiro something.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    I’ll give it a look lucus

  6. lucusloc Says:

    Ok, you have my email. probably best if you let me know through that. If I do not know then I am sure I know people who do.

  7. Sumdood Says:

    Uh, post a pic or send the name to me. If I can’t figure it out somebody on staff can.

    “Most likely an arbrovidie. Which is spiro something.”
    Arbor Vitae — genus name Thuja, not Spiro.

  8. Geodkyt Says:

    I guess your customer has no access to Google or Wikipedia. . .

  9. Phelps Says:

    I’m with Geo, it’s hard not to reply with a link from

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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