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Prepping your car

Glenn has some solid advice here on being prepared while in your vehicle. I keep a bag with similar stuff. I should probably take his advice on getting food that no one would ever eat unless they had to because I find myself snacking on my fish and peanuts and pork cracklins quite often.

I’d also throw in that having a ResQMe on hand is a good idea too.

6 Responses to “Prepping your car”

  1. Liston Matthews Says:

    I have a ResQMe hanging from the mirror in each car.

    Just reach and grab. . .

  2. Huck Says:

    I keep a Res-Q-Rench that I was issued when I was in the Fire service (and kinda overlooked turning in when I retired) in the center console of my truck.

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    My gun never leaves me, so I don’t keep a gun in my car. Besides, if my car is ever stolen… The only exception is when I travel by air, my EDC gets locked in a secure container in my car in the airport parking lot.

  4. Ravenwood Says:

    I always wear a pocket knife. Won’t it be just as effective at cutting the seatbelt and smashing through a window?

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Guess it depends on the knife. I wouldn’t want to break a window with one. I might grab some old seat belts and try it out.

  6. Liston Matthews Says:

    The reason I hang the resqme from the mirror is because I already know from years of repetition exactly where the mirror is. I don’t have to try to get into a pocket. I might be sideways or upside down. The seatbelt might be jammed and keep me from accessing my pocket. The mirror, unless it broke off is RIGHT THERE,

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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