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In case you wanted to know

In an update to this and this, it costs about $60 to have a cell phone removed from the toilet.

4 Responses to “In case you wanted to know”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Crucial information that shall remain forevermore engraved in my memory.

    With annual adjustments for inflation, of course.

  2. llanok Says:

    All part of the parenting experience…it’s one of the fine print lines in the having-kids contract that you probably didn’t read. You did watch the plumber, right? Next time (and yeah, there will be a next time) you can do it yourself with a $2 wax ring and a wrench.

    My youngest, at 3 years old, is nearing the end of that phase. I’m hoping I’ll never need to use the two remaining spare rings in my bathroom closet–I bought a box of them after the second time I had to pull the toilet off of it’s mounts to retrieve a child’s plaything.

    Unfortunately, with the advent of “Flushed Away” and several 10 cent McBurgerDonalKing flushed away toys from the salvation army’s half price sale bin, the other two appear to be regaining their interest in toys and toilets. Maybe I can send Pixar the bill…

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    I am surprised that you can get anyone to arrive at a private residence with their own truck full of tools for $60, much less actually get them to do anything.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    I helps to be tight with your contractor.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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